The new Rightsizing tool can help you use your EC2 and RDS instances more efficiently and save money:
Below are definitions of variables used in the calculation:
"estimatedusagehours" is the measure of how many hours we estimate that the instance was used during the current month.
"daysPassedInCurrentMonthInHours" is the number of days in current month x 24 hours.
Below are the calculations used for rightsizing recommendations:
estimatedusagehours = (total usage Hours/daysPassedInCurrentMonthInHours)*numberOFDaysInCurrentMonthInHours)
Note: for day less than or equal to 3 in a given month, then
estimatedusagehours = 24 * ACTUAL_DAY_OF_MONTH
- Current price = estimatedusagehours * instance_type_hourly_price;
- Projected price =
OnDemandPrice of best fit instance * estimatedUsageHours
.- Projected price =
0 if we decide to terminate instance
- Projected price =
current (for no change in recommendation)
- Projected price =
- Projected Savings =
current price - projected price