One of the reasons AWS Tags are not showing in the platform can be if the Direct Service falls in the 'Basic Cost Allocation' level.
For Level: Basic Cost Allocation - Tags are supported using AWS Cost Allocation tags within the Cost and Usage Report (CUR). This means the platform will pull associated tags via the bill, not the API. As long as the bill contains the tags, then the platform should be importing the tags into the platform. Here is a list of services supported at this level:
- Alexa for Business - Devices
- Alexa for Business - Users
- Amplify
- API Gateway - Stages
- Appstream - Fleet
- Appstream - ImageBuilder
- Appstream - Users
- Athena - Workgroups
- Certificate Manager - Certificate Authorities
- Certificate Manager - Certificates
- Chime - Accounts
- Chime Dial In - Conferences
- Cloud Directory - Directories
- CloudHSM - HSM
- Cloud Map - Services
- CloudSearch - Domain
- CodeBuild - Projects
- Cognito - User Pools
- Data Exchange - Data Sets
- Data Pipeline - Pipelines
- DataSync
- Direct Connect - Connections
- Direct Connect - Gateways
- Direct Connect - Virtual Interfaces
- Directory Service - Directory
- DocumentDB - Clusters
- DocumentDB - Instances
- DocumentDB - Snapshots
- DynamoDB Accelerator - Clusters
- Dynamo DB - Backups
- EC2 - Capacity Reservations
- EC2 Container Registry (ECR) - Repositories
- ECR - Repository
- EKS - Clusters
- Elemental MediaConnect - Flows
- Elemental MediaConnect - Outputs
- Elemental MediaConnect - Sources
- Elemental MediaConvert - Jobs
- Elemental MediaConvert - Job Templates
- Elemental MediaLive - Channels
- Elemental MediaLive - Inputs
- Elemental MediaStore - Containers
- Firewall Manager
- FSx - Backups
- FSx - File Systems
- GameLift - Fleets
- Glacier - Vaults
- Global Accelerator
- Glue - Crawler
- Glue - Development Endpoint
- Glue - Job
- Greengrass - Devices
- IoT Analytics - Channels
- IoT Analytics - Datasets
- IoT Analytics - Datastores
- IoT Analytics - Pipelines
- IoT Device Defender - Devices
- Kendra - Data Sources
- Kendra - Index
- Kinesis - Video Streams
- Kinesis Analytics - Applications
- Lex - Bots
- Machine Learning - BatchPrediction
- Machine Learning - DataSource
- Machine Learning - Evaluation
- Machine Learning - MLModel
- Managed Blockchain - Members
- Managed Blockchain - Nodes
- Managed Streaming for Kafka - Clusters
- MQ - Brokers
- Neptune - Clusters
- Neptune - Instances
- OpsWorks - Servers
- Pinpoint - Apps
- QuickSight
- RDS - Aurora Clusters
- RDS - Aurora Cluster Snapshots
- RDS - Clusters
- RDS - Cluster Snapshots
- Route 53 - Health check
- Route 53 - Traffic Policy
- Secrets Manager - Secrets
- Security Hub - Hubs
- SFTP Servers - Transfers
- Shield - Protections
- Shield - Subscriptions
- Simple Email Service - Dedicated IPs
- Snowball - Jobs
- SQS - Queues
- Step Functions
- Storage Gateway - File Shares
- Storage Gateway - Tapes
- Storage Gateway - Volume Gateways
- Sumerian - Binaries
- Virtual Private Cloud - VPC Endpoints
- Virtual Private Cloud - VPN Connections
- Web Application Firewall - Rules
- Web Application Firewall - WebACL
Follow these steps for the best way to have tags appear as expected:
- In the platform, configure the AWS Account to include Cost Allocation Tags in the CUR artifacts
- In AWS billing console add each tag key you use for perspective grouping as a Cost Allocation Tag. For more information, see:
- The platform will start pulling associated tags via the bill and populate the tags in Olap reports the following day.
For more information regarding account configuration, see: