When a Billing Account has status transferred it means that the Subscriptions that sat under that Billing Account have been moved to a new Billing Account e.g.
In order to determine where the Subscriptions have been moved, please perform the following.
1. Open the Azure Console and navigate to the Subscriptions tab
2. Locate a Subscription that sat under the Billing Account prior, and select it via the Subscription Name
3. Within the Subscription navigate to the Properties section under "Settings"
4. Within this section locate the Billing Account ID field, and Account Admin field e.g -
The Billing Account ID will signify which Billing Account the Subscription now sits under, in order to continue to pull through Billing Data one of the following will need to be completed depending on what type of Billing Account is present.
- In the case of a MCA you will need to deploy the Billing Account Reader Role against the existing Service Principal and new Billing Account via - https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Aria-Cost/SaaS/getting-started-with-vmware-aria-cost/GUID-azure-quick-start.html#step-3--add-service-principal-as-the-billing-account-reader-22
- In the case of an Enrollment Billing Account please locate the user signified by the Account Admin field, they will need to deploy the Enrollment Reader Role against the existing Service Principal/New Enrollment Billing Account via - https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Aria-Cost/SaaS/getting-started-with-vmware-aria-cost/GUID-azure-quick-start.html#step-2--assign-an-enrollment-reader-role-to-the-service-principal-4
Once the new Reader role has been deployed Costs should then resume being pulled into the platform.