Here is an in-depth view of how Projected Cost is calculated by the platform:
Monthly Projected Cost (Monthly Calculation)
Monthly projected cost is the sum of:
- month-to-date recurring cost
- projected recurring cost for remaining days in the month
- projected recurring cost for 60% of a day to complete the last day's partial cost
- month-to-date non-recurring cost (previous month's unused RI cost, not current month)
- projected tiered support cost of total monthly projected cost
1/24 - today |
3,000.00 = month-to-date cost |
Total recurring cost = 2,300.00 + (8 * 140.00) + (0.6 * 140.00) = 3,504.00 Total projected cost without support = 3,504.00 + (3,000.00 - 2,300.00 - 250.00) = 3,954.00 Tiered support cost tiered price = 29.00 Total projected cost = 4,204.00 + 29.00 = 3,983.00 |
Monthly Projected Cost (Daily Calculation)
Daily monthly projected cost is computed for each day of the current month using the recurring cost up to that day, projected recurring cost from that day through the end of the month and the month-to-date non-recurring costs.
in order for the monthy projected cost for the daily cube to be correct, the recurring and projected cost needs to reflect apportioning and be reallocated.
Daily monthly projected cost assumptions:
- Last day of cost represents partial cost, estimated to be 40% of total
- Support costs are not projected, assuming it will equal current cost
- Projected cost for months prior to current month is set to total cost, 100% predication
The projected cost is based on the average recurring cost for a 30 day window starting the day before the current cell.
Projected daily cost is the sum of:
- recurring cost through the date of current cell
- projected recurring cost for remaining days in the month
- if cell is last day of cost, projected recurring cost for 60% of a day to account for last day's partial cost
- month-to-date non-recurring cost
1/24 - today |
3,000.00 = month-to-date cost |
Projected cost = 750.00 + (26 * 150.00) + (3,000.00 - 2,300.00 - 250.00) |
1/24 - today 1/23 - last day with costs 1/23 - current cell |
3,000.00 = month-to-date cost 2,300.00 = month-to-date recurring cost 250.00 = month-to-date commited cost (unused hours) 2,300.00 = recurring cost through 1/23 8 = remaining days in month 140.00 = average recurring cost for 12/23 through 1/22 |
Projected cost = 2,300.00 + (8 * 140.00) + (0.6 * 140.00) + (3,000.00 - 2,300.00 - 250.00) |