This error may be due to a misconfiguration of your account. Ensure your account is configured correctly with the appropriate permissions. You can verify this under the [Admin > Accounts] section within the platform.
Here you can see the status of your accounts. If anything other than "Healthy" is showing, you can click on the banner to get additional details.
Once any issues are resolved and the account shows "Healthy," ensure you have billing reports available within your billing bucket and that they are accessible using your configured access account or role. It is always good practice to open a report and ensure that line item data is visible, not just the report headers.
Newly configured accounts can take up to 24 hours for billing to be displayed within reporting but you should see Account setup/AWS Config changes within 30 minutes.
Please note that if you have a Partner who is helping to manage your account, please contact them prior as it is possible that the Customer account has not been correctly assigned.