A common issue for new users of the CloudHealth Platform is they do not see any Report / Data available when they first sign in.
This is a common issue when a platform administrator has not yet assigned them to an Organization that contains valid Account Assignments.
To verify if this has occurred, please follow the following steps and reference the screenshots below:
1) Please view your current User Profile by Clicking the Profile Icon and selecting your User Name.
2) Verify your current Role - If you are a Standard User you will not have the ability to make any platform changes and you will need to contact an Administrator of the platform for assistance.
3) Verify your currently Assigned Organization - This information can be useful to pass along to your Administrator.
4) Ensure the correct Cloud platform is selected and verify which accounts are currently assigned to your Organization by Selecting - Setup > Accounts > AWS / Azure / Google etc.
5) If no Accounts are visible then no data will be available.
6) The next action will be to contact an Administrator to request they update your Organization / Account Assignments.
NOTE: CloudHealth Support is not able to perform Organization changes on your behalf.