The first step is to verify that the collector process is running. To do this, access the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) and type the following:
ps –eaf | grep cht.
You should see results as shown below.
ps -eaf | grep cht
cht_age+ 3318 1 0 Jun28 ? 00:02:50 /opt/cht_perfmon/embedded/bin/ruby /opt/cht_perfmon/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cht_perfmon-0.0.70/lib/perfmon_loop.rb
cht_age+ 3322 1 0 Jun28 ? 00:00:23 cht_perfmon_collector_monitor
root 3465 1 0 Jun28 ? 00:06:22 /opt/chtcollectd/sbin/collectd -C /etc/chtcollectd/collectd.conf
If the agent is not running you can attempt a restart of the job and note any errors. This will also read in any changes to the collectd.conf file. To do this, run the following:
sudo /etc/init.d/chtcollectd restart